Cover Letter
2023/2024 Registration Form
Parish Registration Form (required for new families)
Parent Handbook
2023/2024 Registration Form
Parish Registration Form (required for new families)
Parent Handbook
OLQP offers religious instruction to all children of our registered parish families, who are in grades kindergarten to 8. With the support of the parents (who are the first teachers of their children), our dedicated catechists, a professionally prepared director and the clergy, we teach the Catholic faith to over 175 children. OLQP follows the mandated religion curriculum of the Archdiocese of Newark. All families are expected to attend weekend liturgy as part of their Religious Education commitment.
We offer a weekly program (Sept. to April) for grades K-8 on Sunday morning from 8:30 am to 9:50 am. Service activities are required for students in grades 6, 7, and 8. Grade 8 also participates in our parish youth ministry on Sunday night. |
We also offer a Pre-K program for children ages 3 and 4 during the 10:00am Mass. Parents who attend the 10:00am Mass may register their child for this Pre-K class.
The Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist are offered after two years of preparation usually at the end of second grade. Confirmation is offered in the fall of 9th grade after completing eight years of religious instruction and other requirements as listed in the Confirmation Covenant. Registration for our program takes place beginning in the spring. A copy of the child’s Baptism certificate is required at the time of registration. For more information about student registration call the Religious Education Office at 201-845-9566 ext. 117 or email |